Fornessi chats with Matha Lewis (aka @marthashappilyeverafter)

Carry Me in Bubblegum Blue Aztec
Aren't you glad that Instagram exists. Where else can you get that daily dose of inspiration and cuteness? And this month look no further than Martha's IG feed. There you will find most amazing, effortless style, a house to fall in love with and her beautiful brood. This mama is the definition of "cool parent" and she also happens to be funny. Really, really funny (we are so thankful that she has now got a blog, because if anyone should write a blog- it's her).
Her chilled parenting style is infectious, with 4 totally gorgeous children she makes being a parent seem like a breeze. If you have a Pinterest board that is titled 'cute kids', or the like, get ready to do some serious pinning on her feed!
So welcome to the 2nd interview in the series of Fornessi Chats.
5 Things We Want to Know
Some of the things EVERY mama should have (aside from a good baby wrap...) are:
Baby wipes. Whether for wiping bottoms, faces, hands or just a quick clean round I can't leave the house without them!
Muslins (giant ones) for covering up while feeding, they are fab. But I've also used them as an emergency picnic blanket or playmat, wrapped them around toddlers who decide they are cold or as sun shields if it's too hot (and obviously superhero capes!!).
Dummies. Not everyone's a fan but for me a happy baby makes a happy mum. All of my babies have had dummies which have helped soothe them when needed and made for content little ones!
We all struggle with dinner ideas, especially when a little one is around. What is your best quick-throw-together meal....
Without fail eggs cooked in anyway. My lot love them scrambled, boiled or poached. Thankfully as we keep our own chickens we have no shortage of them! Sometimes the simplest meals are their favourites. If I ask my children what they would like for tea they will always say 'breakfast for dinner'.
Your parenting hack?
Dressing the children from the washing pile. I find myself doing this a lot grabbing them all outfits from the clean laundry to save me putting so much away, although this does end with them wearing the same outfits a lot!!
Most embarrassing mama moment you had?
Oh there's been so many!!! That time Felix was sick into a lunch box in the Waitrose cafe?
I actually had one this week which is still crystal clear in my mind!
With the children finishing school one of the lovely mummies hosted a coffee morning at her house! I was chatting away in her beautiful farmhouse kitchen, standing and swaying Tiggy when she did an almighty trump, and poo squirted straight out of her nappy onto my friends kitchen floor!!!!!!! Luckily this particular mamma has twins so I'm guessing (or hoping) she's seen it all!!!!
Tips for travelling with the tribe
iPads and kindles. Charge them all!! And snacks take the lot! Dottie struggles to do the school run without asking for a drink so anything above an hour a small feast is required! There's certain things I always keep in the back of the car, a potty, a blanket and spare coats!
How to find this mama
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