Finish off the festive season with some baking

We got this beautiful set of muffin decorations on sale and it really made me want to bake something delicious (also the festive season is nearly over, so why not do one last Christmas activity with the tot). I found this cinnamon muffin recipe on Some The Wiser and can really, really recommend it. Below you will find a simplified, somewhat more toddler friendly version.
You will need for the basic muffin
160 g flour
3 tsp baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
¼ cup sugar
3 tbsp melted butter
1 egg
250 ml milk
Throw all of the ingredients together and let your tot mix it with their hands. Give it a good stir making sure the ingredients are combined.
The cinnamon spice addition
400g brown sugar
3 tsp ground cinnamon
200g chopped walnuts
3 tbsp melted butterAgain all the ingredients can be mixed together with hands (a bit of extra fine motor activity for you babe). Add half of the mix to your basic muffin recipe and reserve the other half as topping. Spoon the combined mix into cupcake forms top off with reserved cinnamon spice (be generous, the more the better!). Bake at 200° C for 15 min. We topped ours with vanilla powder and icing.
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